Monday Gtd
PLEASE PLEASE Remember Some of OTR Passwords are Case Sensitive.. Type them in exactly as written or Copy and Paste them. Also when you WIN one of the Seats to the $50k.. ACR or BCP will award you in Tournament Bucks in your cashier.. You can use these TB's for any game on the site!!
GTD and Best Practices? I recently started a new job and my team uses In my personal and professional life, I utilize the GTD methodology for project management. Does anyone have any experience for how to best set up for using GTD? $200 NLH Bounty $6K GTD (1Day) View: Monday, March 15, 2021: 11:10 AM: 20: $400 NLH MonsterStack Day 1A $80K GTD (2Day) View. Allen is the creator of the “Getting Things Done,” or GTD system. The goal of this method is to help people become more productive and efficient by helping them remove any unnecessary thoughts that distract them throughout the day. Let’s look more at this. is a Work OS that powers teams to run processes, projects and workflows in one digital workspace.
OTR /ACR/BCP Afternoon Delight Daily $25 GTD PennyRoll Series
3pm est
Monday God Songs Tamil
$.01 Buyin (One Penny)
1500 Starting Stack
$.10 Cent Rebuys (1500 chips)
$.50 Addon (10k Chips)
10 Min Blinds
1 Hour Late Reg
1-18 pays
OTR/ACR/BCP Afternoon Delight PennyRoll Series PW:
Monday pw BankRollOTR
Tuesday pw DoubleDownOTR
Wed pw FlatBettingOTR
Thurs pw HighRollerOTR
Friday pw TappingOutOTR
Saturday pw GamblingOTR
Sunday pw ExpectedValueOTR
ACR/BCP OTR $50k gtd Seat Freebuy Structure:
OTR $50K Gtd Seat Freebuy
8pm est
Monday-Friday will play NLH
Sat & Sun will play PLO
1500 Starting Stack
.50 Cent Rebuys (1500 chips)
$1.00 Addon (10k Chips)
10 Min Blinds
1 Hour Late Reg
1st Place Wins a Seat to Sunday $50k
FREEBUY PW for the Seat to the $50k
Monday pw ShuffleOTR
Tuesday pw DealtOutOTR
Wed pw RiverMeOTR
Thurs pw BringItOTR
Friday pw FullBoatOTR
Saturday pw Str8FlushOTR
Sunday pw BadBeatOTR
FREEBUY pw for OTR $25 GTD Sat & Sunday Mornings:
Monday God Songs Telugu
Saturday pw GoodMorningOTR
Sunday pw WakeUpOTR
OTR Happy Birthday America $250 Freebuy pw:
ACR Link to sign up HERE
BCP Link to sign up HERE