Ignition System Requirements
The Video Course teaches you everything about modern cars.
- 5 Type Of Ignition Systems
- Ignition System Requirements Pc
- Ignition Pc Game System Requirements
- Ignition System Requirements With Methanol Fuel
- Ignition 8.1 System Requirements
- Ignition Server System Requirements
The purpose of the ignition system is to generate a very high voltage from the car's 12 volt battery, and to send this to each sparkplug in turn, igniting the fuel-air mixture in the engine's combustion chambers.
The coil is the component that produces this high voltage. It is an electromagnetic device that converts the low-tension (LT) current from the battery to high-tension (HT) current each time the distributor contact-breaker points open.
Kill It With Fire: Ignition System Requirements (minimum). CPU: Info; CPU SPEED: 2.4 GHz Dual Core; RAM: 2 GB; OS: Windows 7 64 Bit; VIDEO CARD: GTX 760 or Equivalent. In addition to staying below the arcing voltage, the ignition system keep the voltage across the points below the breakdown voltage for an air gap to prevent a glow discharge across the points. Such a glow discharge would quickly transition to an arc, and the arc would prevent the spark plug from firing. Ignition Minimum System Requirements. What is one thing that (should) always be discussed before implementing a new Ignition System? Minimum System Requirements!Why is this important? Because you don't want to set up a new system, configure your screens, get. The basic requirements for reciprocating engine ignition systems are similar, regardless of the type of engine. All ignition systems must deliver a high-tension spark across the electrodes of each spark plug in each cylinder of the engine in the correct firing order. The spark plug is threaded into the cylinder head with the electrodes exposed to the combustion area of the engine’s cylinder. Ignition System performance. Prevent calibration errors that may interfere with the proper operation of the Ignition System To accomplish these objectives, this manual provides the following:. A description of the components, features and requirements of the Ignition System offered by Delphi E&C.
The distributor unit consists of a metal bowl containing a central shaft, which is usually driven directly by the camshaft or, sometimes, by the crankshaft.
The bowl houses the contact-breaker points, rotor arm, and a device for altering the ignition timing. It also carries the distributor cap.
The distributor cap is made of nonconductive plastic, and the current is fed to its central electrode by the HT lead from the centre of the coil.
Inside the cap there are more electrodes often called segments to which the sparkplug leads are connected, one per cylinder.
The rotor arm is fitted on top of the central shaft, and connects to the central electrode by means of a metal spring or spring-loaded brush in the top of the distributor cap.
The current enters the cap through the central electrode, passes to the centre of the rotor arm through the brush, and is distributed to each plug as the rotor arm revolves.
As the rotor arm approaches a segment, the contact-breaker points open and HT current passes through the rotor arm to the appropriate sparkplug lead.
The contact-breaker points are mounted inside the distributor. They act as a switch, in synchronisation with the engine, that cuts off and reconnects the 12 volt low-tension (LT) circuit to the coil.
The points are opened by cams on the central shaft, and are closed again by a spring arm on the moving contact.
With the points closed, LT current flows from the battery to the primary windings in the coil, and then to earth through the points.
When the points open, the magnetic field in the primary winding collapses and high-tension (HT) current is induced in the secondary windings.
This current is transferred to the sparkplugs through the distributor cap.
On a four-cylinder engine there are four cams. With each full rotation of the shaft the points open four times. Six-cylinder engines have six cams and six electrodes in the cap.
The position of the points and the distributor's body in relation to the central shaft can be adjusted manually.
This alters the timing of the spark to obtain an exact setting (see How engine timing works).
Further changes occur automatically as the engine speed varies according to the throttle opening.
In some modern ignition systems, micro-electronics ensure the optimum ignition timing for all engine speeds and engine load conditions (see How engine timing works).
The sparkplugs are screwed into the combustion chambers in the cylinder head.
HT current passes from each segment on the distributor cap down the plug leads to the plug caps.
It then passes down the central electrode, which is insulated along its length, to the nose of the plug.
5 Type Of Ignition Systems
A side electrode connected to the plug body protrudes just below the central one, with the gap between the two usually set from 0.025 in. (0.6 mm) to 0.035 in. (0.9 mm).
Ignition System
For burning any fuel we need two things. First is oxygen and second is heat.
Fuels which has self ignition temperature can even be burnt with applying high pressure, like Diesel. But the case of petrol or gasoline is different.
In a spark ignition engines, compression ratio is lower, and self ignition temperature of petrol is higher. Hence to ignite the mixture for the initiation of combustion an ignition system is must.
Requirements of an ignition system
- It should provide good spark at correct timing.
- It should function efficiently for all engine speeds.
- It should be light, effective and reliable in service.
- It should be compact and easy to maintain.
- It should be cheap and convenient to handle.
- The magnetic field generated from the voltage source of the ignition system should not affect radio and television inside the automobile.
Ignition System Requirements Pc
There are basically two types of ignition systems are used in automobiles. One is battery ignition system and another one is magneto ignition system.
Lets first discuss battery ignition system
Battery Ignition System
In a battery ignition system, a battery is used as a source of energy for the spark plug. This battery is rechargeable and derives energy for its recharging from an alternator.
This alternator is connected from the crankshaft of the engine and converts its mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Essential components of battery ignition system
- Battery
- Ignition switch
- Ballast resistor
- Ignition Coil
- Contact breaker
- Capacitor
- Distributor
- Spark plug
Characteristics battery ignition system
Ignition Pc Game System Requirements
- Battery is necessary. Difficult to start the engine when battery is discharged.
- Maintenance problem is more due to battery.
- Power for ignition is obtained from the battery.
- Good spark is available, even at low engine speed.
- As engine speed increases, efficiency of battery ignition system decreases.
- Occupies more space.
- Commonly employed in cars and light commercial vehicles.
Magneto ignition system
Ignition System Requirements With Methanol Fuel
A magneto ignition system uses its own electric generator instead of a battery to derive power for electric spark.
All the parts of battery ignition system replaced except spark plug.
Ignition 8.1 System Requirements
Characteristics magneto ignition system
- No battery is needed and therefore no problem of battery discharge.
- Maintenance problem is less, as there is no battery.
- The power for producing spark is obtained from magneto.
- At low speed efficiency of magneto ignition system is low.
- As speed increases the efficiency of magneto ignition system increases.
- Occupies less space
- Mainly used in racing cars and two wheeler.
Ignition Server System Requirements
Image (also featured) attribution: By Andy Dingley (scanner) – Scan from (1911) Mechanical Transport, HMSO, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9884580