How Can I Cash Out Bitcoin

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You can not directly withdraw coins or cash out from Exodus wallet first, you need to link your wallet with the bank account. It is not possible to deposit bitcoin to bank account, you have to convert bitcoin to cash. Now exchange bitcoin for cash through an online crypto network with minimum BTC Binance withdrawal time. Married couples can withdraw £45,200 without having to pay tax. And while there are some ways to cash out your Bitcoins without paying taxes, the likelihood of that lasting once government regulations tighten is.

So, Finally you are going to cash your bitcoin and looking for the best methods to cash your bitcoins. I’m exploring the best and suitable methods for you to cash bitcoin. Our company is providing almost all the methods to cash bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency. we are the leading Exchange of Digital currency working world wide. Our happy customers represent the quality services and quick help. we are working world wide and we have all the possible options for you to cash your bitcoin, the most used method is bitcoin to paypal transfer. And we are providing the best services of transfer bitcoin to paypal, so in this blog you will find a complete guide to how to cash out bitcoin to paypal and all the other methods through which you can cash your bitcoin.


How to cash out bitcoin to paypal Guide is only for our official site. We can explain how somebody can use our website to exchange Cryptocurrency. Simple environment to exchange currency is the first step to catch customer. And our first priority is customer satisfaction. We are providing simple environment to exchange bitcoin and other Cryptocurrency. The whole procedure of exchange of bitcoin with paypal is described below. Our website has a simple interface which give you an excellent user friendly service. We are providing fast exchange services of bitcoin to paypal usually exchangers take 2-4 days but we will transfer your exchanged dollars with in very short span of time.

Other Payment methods to
Cash out Bitcoin

We are offering various payment methods to cash out bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. as I have explained above about how can we convert bitcoin to paypal below here I will explain about other payment methods we are offering. Most of our customers choose to withdraw their crypto through paypal and some other internatioanl payment methods. our popular payment methods are as follow.

a huge number of our client make easy transactions of bitcoin on daily basis. Our Company is providing a simple very simple and user friendly interface with no doubt highly secure network which is very important for safe transaction.

Bitcoin To Bank Account

You can’t withdraw your bitcoin into bank account directly. But we can do. We can send your bitcoins withdrawn dollars into your bank account. Now a days bitcoin to bank account is suitable option for all the people who want to cash out bitcoin through exchanges. You can make transactions anonymously with us. Our website offers different bank option you can choose your desired bank to withdraw bitcoin to a particular bank account. You can check the list of banks available to make transaction by clicking this link.

Bitcoin To Bank Wire

Bank wire is another Good option right now for bitcoin withdraw later on you can transfer your bank wires’ credit to paypal or any other merchant. our customers using bank wire are happy with their services. you can try this option or if you think that this is not suitable for you or if you have any issues regarding this you can go for next option right there I have explained.

Bitcoin To Western Union

Western union is best option for those who are exchanging bitcoin from remote areas. western union don’t need any account or any long process it simply works with your details. western union is more trusted than any other online money transfer platform to cash out bitcoin. as it is the oldest money transfer resource on the internet.

Bitcoin To Perfect Money

If you are perfect money user and you have an account then you must go with this option because perfect money is one of the best financial services providing leading source over the internet. Perfect Money is well known for its instant payment services, and the privacy and security of perfect money is excellent. Most of online business owners are using this service to receive and send payments. perfect money brings the internet fund transfer to the ideal stage of the time.

How Can I Cash Out Bitcoin

Exchange Process of Bitcoin

How Can I Cash Out Bitcoin Sv


Click here to start the process of exchange. You will find there an exchange chart. first of all you need to enter the amount of bitcoin you want to exchange. Then our boot automatically tell you how much you will receive. In the next row there are two cells you have filled them by entering your name and your active E-mail address. After that you have to select payment method select paypal as your payment method. Put here your paypal email and click order. all you have done we will contact you soon. We are dealing with other Cryptocurrency like Ethereum, litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin, Monero etc. The process of all the crypto exchange is same you just need to make little changes.


This above blog is only explaination of how to cash out bitcoins anonymously securely with in very short time. The above explaination is only for our company and all the outgoing links are 100% trusted. The process here explained is working with our company 'bitcoinsxchanger' through which you can cash out bitcoin fast. Go with for safe, secure and fast transactions. Cheers Guys! have fun

Wondering how you can claim your Bitcoin Cash after the Bitcoin fork? There’s great news. One of the largest and trustworthy cryptocurrency exchanges, Kraken, just announced today that they will start accepting Bitcoin Cash deposits. That’s great news for people that have been searching for a Bitcoin Cash wallet to claim their share of the split coin. And in case if you’re wondering, if you owned Bitcoin before August 1st, you will automatically own the same number of Bitcoin Cash coins. You just need to claim it in a Bitcoin Cash wallet to either keep them or sell them.

Interested in investing in Bitcoins or other Altcoins?

How To Get Cash For Bitcoin

Here’s how we buy Bitcoin and Ethers. You will receive $10 of FREE BITCOIN when you buy or sell over $100 worth of any digital currency.

The biggest hurdle for most people looking to claim Bitcoin Cash has been attaining a deposit address from a wallet they can trust. Now that Kraken is accepting Bitcoin Cash deposits, it will make it easier to split the coin. If you decide to use Kraken as your next Bitcoin Cash Wallet, simply open an account on their site and look for their Bitcoin Cash (BCH) section, then you can generate a new deposit address there to get started. Bitcoin Cash deposits on Kraken currently requires 20 confirmations to clear, which took us about 5 hours earlier today. The number of required confirmations should come down in the future, and as more miners join Bitcoin Cash, the time it takes should get dramatically faster.

How To Claim Bitcoin Cash

The process to claim Bitcoin Cash highly depends on where you currently stored your Bitcoin, such as the best Bitcoin wallets we suggested earlier.

Below are the steps for a few of the most popular wallets to claim Bitcoin Cash. If you are using another wallet not mentioned here, be sure to ask in the comment section below and we can try to help. We will continue to update this post and add instructions to claim Bitcoin Cash for other wallets as we see them, so check back often or ask below for your wallet.


Claim Bitcoin Cash on Exodus

This is probably the simplest of all the wallets we’ve seen to claim Bitcoin Cash. All you need to do is to upgrade to the latest version of Exodus (to at least version 1.31.0), then follow these short steps below. Kudos to Exodus for coming up with such an easy solution to claim Bitcoin Cash.

  1. Load Exodus, click on help on the left side
  2. Look for “How do I Claim my Bitcoin Cash (BCH)?” at the very bottom
  3. Click “Claim my Bitcoin Cash Now!” button
  4. Click continue then enter your Bitcoin Cash deposit address, we used Kraken’s deposit address for this step. (WARNING! DO NOT SEND TO A BITCOIN ADDRESS, MUST BE A BITCOIN CASH ADDRESS!!!)
  5. Go through the rest of the steps and watch the magic happen. We went through the exact steps today and verified everything worked as shown. We successfully claimed our Bitcoin Cash from Exodus and transferred to Kraken account. Kraken required 20 confirmations, which took us about 5 hours, but everything worked out and verified.

Claim Bitcoin Cash on Electrum

How to get cash for bitcoin

Electrum officially stated that they will not directly support Bitcoin Cash, so to access Bitcoin Cash, user may transfer Bitcoin Cash to another wallet. Here’s a great video on exactly how to claim Bitcoin Cash on Electrum

Claim Bitcoin Cash on Jaxx

Here’s the official statement from Jaxx. They recommend keeping your new coin in Jaxx until they are ready for the full integration of Bitcoin Cash, they will eventually support it and will split the coin for you. But if you can’t wait that long, then you will want to export your private keys from Jaxx and try something like this (not verified by us, but looks legit.)

Recommendation: keep in your Jaxx wallet until they officially support it.

Claim Bitcoin Cash on TREZOR

To claim Bitcoin Cash from your TREZOR device, simply follow their official guide here.

Claim Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase

How do you cash out bitcoins

Coinbase originally were not planning on supporting Bitcoin Cash, but after much deliberation (and some “nudging”), they have decide to support the new coin, and transition should be complete by January 1st, 2018.

Recommendation: keep in your Coinbase wallet until they officially support it.

Update: Coinbase actually started trading Bitcoin Cash in the middle of December 2017

Claim Bitcoin Cash on XAPO

Here is the official statement from XAPO regarding Bitcoin Cash. Basically you just need to wait it out and they will credit you the Bitcoin Cash in your account eventually. If you must claim it now for whatever reason, try the JAXX method above, but it’s not recommended since it involves sending your coins to Electrum Cash, which seems legit, but its created by an anonymous developer…so yea, good luck with that.

Recommendation: keep in your XAPO wallet until they officially support it.

Should I Sell My Bitcoin Cash?

Now whether or not you should actually sell your Bitcoin Cash is another conversation. There are hardcore believers on both sides. Some think Bitcoin Cash is going to zero, and some think it will take over Bitcoin Core as the “real bitcoin”.

Let us give you some perspective. The last time there was a massive fork that had a similar back story was the Ethereum Hard Fork, the fork left us with the dominant Ethereum (ETH) coin and a Ethereum Classic (ETC) coin that was left to die. Below is a timeline of the brief life of ETC to give you some perspective of what COULD happen after a fork:

  • July 20th, 2016 – Ethereum hard fork completed
  • August 2nd, 2016 – price of Ethereum Classic (ETC) hit a peak “IPO price” of $2.76, with market cap of $194M
  • November 29, 2016 – price of ETC proceeded to drop precipitately by 73% to $0.75, with market cap of $66M remaining
  • Roughly a year after the fork, the price of ETC has rebounded (exploded) all the way up to $15.35 (market cap of $1.5B), or over 2,000% gain since the trough, and the price of ETH continues to outperform ETC, but both are thriving own its own

So the question you want to ask yourself, before you make a decision to sell: do you think Bitcoin Cash will follow the path of Ethereum Classic? If so, then you will want to “HODL”! If you would like to just sell your Bitcoin Cash, then Kraken has a great option to sell and exchange your Bitcoin Cash to Bitcoin or, as Randy Moss would day, straight cash homie.

Interested in investing in Bitcoins or other Altcoins?

Here’s how we buy Bitcoin and Ethers. You will receive $10 of FREE BITCOIN when you buy or sell over $100 worth of any digital currency.

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